Sale and Donation
Schools handle many payments for field trips, fundraisers, donations, etc. PTBoard makes it easier!
Administrators can easily create a Membership, Sale or Donation that parents can find on the Sale/Donation tab.
Here, you can place orders and directly make payments, eliminating the need for various forms and checks.
Administrators can then generate a report of these orders. It's that easy with PTBoard!
The Math Counts Club teacher sponsor wishes to have a Pi tee-shirt fundraiser for his club.
The tee-shirts can be purchased by any school member. He creates a sale by clicking the "Create a New Membership,
Sale or Donation" under the "Admin" tab. Mrs. Brice logs into PTBoard from her phone and sees the Pi tee-shirt
sale on her dashboard. With a few clicks, she orders a small, red shirt for her daughter and a small, blue shirt
for her son. She chooses to pay with a credit card via PayPal, and her order is complete! Her son will have a
shirt in time for the math competition and her daughter can also wear one to cheer him on. The administrator
generates a report and sees that 20 tee shirts have been ordered today! PTBoard makes it easy.